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10.11.21-10.24.21 Cardio Challenges + Core + Mobility

Week of 10.11.21: Cardio and Core/Mobility (to do on your own)


Challenge this week that I hate myself already for typing out, but fuck it, we're doing it:

2,000m for time, with a goal of being close to double your 1,000m time (10-20 seconds over)

Rest 3 minutes

5 x 500m, rest 1 min in between each

Rest 3 minutes

5 x 100m, rest 30 seconds in between each


Please check the ON DEMAND library for a clip discussing the following:

This week we have the following tidbits to sprinkle throughout your week. Aim to incorporate both aspects 2-3 times this week.

A quick overview of 3 core movements to incorporate throughout your week along with a small mobility/fascia focus targeting your adductors and quads.

Core Work:

Aim to get in 3 rounds of the following a few times throughout your week.

Beast Shoulder Taps x 6-10/side

Side Plank Toe Touch x 6-10/side

Alternating Arch Ups x 6-10/side


Foam roll inner thigh (adductor) up to 3 minutes per side

Frog x 90 seconds

Foam roll quads up to 3 minutes

Lying quadricep stretch x 90 seconds

Week of 10.18.21: Cardio and Core/Mobility (to do on your own)


Challenge this week involves running 6 miles. Yup, 6. If 6 all at once isn't possible, break it up into 2 mile segments, either on one day or throughout your week. Can't run? HIKE.


Please check the ON DEMAND library for a clip discussing the following:

Core: Aim to complete 3 rounds of the following, moving mindfully. Plank Arm Extensions x 6-10/side Plank Cross Overs x 10/side Reverse Plank Knee Drives x 6-10/side

Mobility: Aim to be in each position for about 10 breaths Bridge Wheel Plow Seated Forward Fold Wide Legged Forward Fold

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